TAC's Melbourne International Comedy Festival Regional
Roadshow Sponsorship
Role: Experiential Director & Producer
Agency: Graffiti
Concept Development | Event Strategy | Copywriting | Design & Artwork | Client Management | Sponsorship Portfolio Management | Supplier Management | Talent & Media | Staff Management | Custom Costumes | Transport & Logisitics | Council & Permits | Bump in/ out | Content Production | Live Event Management | Social Media

Stand Up for Roads Safety was the regional component of TAC’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Jumping on tour with the festival’s comedy act, our roadshow teams, in quirky costumes, entertained guests upon arrival and drove home the road safety message.
A pop-up GIF. Booth was activated in each location and participants were invited to share their GIF on socials for the chance to win.
On route to each show, our teams led by example with driving breaks scheduled at key landmarks and promoted via social media.
13 locations were visited over the course of the regional festival. In 2018, based on the success of the event, TAC raised this to 18 locations.